Saturday, January 5, 2008

Positive Energy

We all know those people who are energetic and positive all the time. We ask ourselves how can I be like that. I want to be positive and feel that I have the world not that the world has me. I often hear from friends who have a member in there family that came down with cancer. They will tell me that there loved one has become very down and sometimes does not have that will to be positive. I fully understand where they are coming from, don't you. I mean you and I are not the ones that have been told we have cancer. But we are the ones who are trying to give our thoughts and prayers to those that have cancer. So in return we need to be energetic and positive. Because when you are around people who are positive it always rubs off on you. My goal for today is to not look at the negative in a situation but look to the positve and find away around the wall that has been put up. If you do hit the wall, just take a step back and find away around. Remember to talk to people and ask as many questions as you can.

These points below are things to remember each day and they might just make you feel better!

1. Positive
2. Research
3. Energy

Talk to you soon,


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